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550G 多孔式套筒导向型调节阀

该系列调节阀为了达到低噪音和防空化的目的,采用多孔式套筒取代 501G 标准型套筒。因此,除了多孔式套筒以外其余的零件都能和 501G 系列调节阀互换。

该系列如不能满足流体条件,可选用 KOSO 多级降压式套筒导向型调节阀。

This Series provides control valves that meet low noise and anti-cavitation requirements by incorporating a multi-hole type cages, instead of the standard cages, in the 501G Series cage guided control valves. All the parts except the multi-hole cage are interchangeable with the parts of the 501G Series accordingly. 

For those severe fluid conditions that cannot be covered by this Series, please select KOSO multi-stage type control valves.

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